Beachbody Challenge

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What I want to be when I grown up

Ok.. so lately I have been thinking about what I want to be when I grow up. When I was just a little one, I was dying to be a teacher. I would pretend everyday to teach. I had a toy box that looked kind of like the one below. Except mine did not have those bears. Anywho... this toy box was in my closet. And I would say everyday, I would go in my closet and line up all my stuff animals and teach. I swear I was the best teacher ever!!!  Now that I am an adult I did still want that but then I found Coaching. Coaching through Beachbody changed everything. I love helping people. I love that I motivate someone to push harder and to give their all. I love it! So when coaching came in my life... I decided this is it. I am a coach for life! I found my calling.

Wellllllll things have changed again. I know my calling. I love to help people. And lately I have been watching #GreysAnatomy  with Dr. McDreamy :-) and now I want to be a #doctor. WHAAAAT? A doctor!?!? I know right.. What the Hell? . Then I was thinking I love love love animals and I hate how people view #pitbulls.  They really are the best animals EVER! So I would love to start rescuing them. And I also love how service dogs help people. Training dogs to be service dogs would be awesome!!! My head is everywhere. I love to sing, dance, paint, and so many other things!!! I dont want to hold myself to one career. I want to be everything!!?!?! But in the mean time I will make plans to make it all happen. It is possible. Dont you think? It can happen if I reallly want it to happen! I know I am not young, I would be the youngest intern. I know this maaaan. But I am smart and I learn fast. I can do anything!!! #ibelieve

Does anyone else want to be everything? What are you doing with your life now?
Toy Box

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