Beachbody Challenge

Friday, November 8, 2013

Chevron Houston Marathon nerves catching up with me . 26.2 miles.

So the time is passing and I am now realizing that on January 19th I will be running 26.2 miles. I am scared. Just thinking about it I feel like I am about to have a heart attack. I dont know if its an anxiety attack or what. What scares me is that I have not trained for it. The most miles I have put on these legs this year is 13.1 , which was this past January for the Aramco Half Marathon. Now its time to stay dedicated and push! Eat clean and work hard everyday.

Tomorrow I will be doing 8 miles with the running group Run-A-Mucks! So glad I met them. They are a great group of ladies and some gents :-) They have been with me since the beginning of my running days.  Up until 2011 I had maybe done 2 miles, walking, and that was when I just a young little one. Those where the days when I walked to all my friends house no matter where they lived. My runaway days. Then one day my dear friend, Elsa  invited me on a 6 mile run with the Run-A-Mucks and I was freakin droppin poop.  I couldnt do that. No way in hell did I think that I could run more then a mile. I swore I thought she was crazy. But she believed in me. She said it would be fine. So I put my trust in her and went. And I tell you what, that was the day I fell in love. Hanging out with friends and running together, time flies! Before you knew it we were done with the 6 miles. My legs were hurting when we stopped and for the next 4 days. I could not walk, I could not use the restroom. It was painful. But regardless, I felt accomplished. Thank you to Elsa and to all of the Run-A-Mucks!! I am thankful for you all! They inspire me, they will be one of the reasons why I want to accomplish this goal. 26.2 miles! I will be attempting the 26.2 on November 23rd. So technically I will have one done before January but I will not have a metal. Even though Run-A-Mucks gave me one for accomplishing my first 13.1 mile with them. That was lovely. I have it hanging on my wall right by the door! You can not miss it! Its half of a hubcap all decorated. :-) I love it!

 Next year I will be running in January for a charity, Best Buddies of Texas. I will be proud to run for them. They help people with disabilities and help them become part of society. They have created programs to help them with their leaderships and social skills. Please help me run for a reason. This reason that means so much to so many individuals. Your donation is very much appreciated!!! Anything helps.

On that note. I must go. Have to pick up my son from school. Everyone have a great day!!!

Smile! Its contagious!

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