Beachbody Challenge

Monday, November 4, 2013

Thinking of so many things and dont know whether to go crazy or run.

Thankful for my kids. They have made me become who I am today. I would be in a horrible state if I had no kids. I do love to drink and I can only imagine what kind of trouble I would be in if I didn't have any kids. They make me whole. But they can drive me crazy. Being a parent , this is OK.  It is normal. I think sometime we forget and stress that we are going through so much. But one thing I have to remember is that time will pass. They will grow up. They will be ok. They will change. I know when I was younger I made horrible mistakes. Things that a young girl should not be doing. I fell so  bad in love with a boy that completely blinded me with young dumb love. I was also very mean to my mother. I ran away from house to house at the age of 10. I did live with another family for almost 2 years. I know I was bad. But time has passed and I have changed. I am not the same person that I was 15 years ago. I am not the same person I was 6 months ago. We all change. Time will pass. You just have be able to take on change. And that is ok. Change is good. I love my kids. And they will change. They are my life. They push me everyday , they are kids. This is normal. Life is ok. I am blessed with a beautiful family. 

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