Beachbody Challenge

Monday, December 9, 2013

Inside my head

While running the other day... I was thinking! I put on music so I dont drive myself insane but sometimes that does not work either. But this is where I think the most.  Ok, truth is,  I am just a woman... we just over think everything! Anyways, while running the other day the song Open Arms comes on from Journey. At first when it came on, I was kind of bummed. Really? This song on a run! I had it on shuffle on my phone and I dont like to mess with it regardless of what song comes on so it has to stay this song. I know I need to make a running play list. I had one on my other phone but just havent done it on this one yet. Its pissing me off. I need to go to +Verizon Wireless  and see whats going on with it!  Anyways, back to my point. Open Arms came on ,in case you dont know the song. Here is is.   Ok, so it comes on and Im bummed, then I start actually listening to the words. And it actually became a song that pushed me harder! I started to think. I dedicate this to myself! Go listen to it!  Yeah. It may sound conceited. But I dont care. I used to not love me! I I have fallen in love with me. It has taken time and I know that everyday, I will find another reason to love me more.  Doing things that will make me happy.  I love being me. What I do for a living has helped me love me. Touching others , inspiring others. On all levels. I love it. So yes I do have open arms for me! And what?

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