Beachbody Challenge

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Trying to stay positive.....

Sometimes we beat ourselves up about the little things and overlook what the issues really are. I remember when I was really overweight. I beat myself up about my weight and how I looked. I complained about my clothes not fitting me. I hated to go to the mall. Shopping for shoes and clothes were horrible. Shoes were hard because nothing ever fit! My feet were swolen. Then I would complain about me only able to find the ugly shoes that were comfortable. It would just go and on. In turn this would make me get stressed. So off I was to the court yard to eat Sbarro pizza. 2 of them.Then after eating it maybe an ice cream. Cause all of that stuff made me feel good inside, of course for the time being.

So there I was sulking in my own guilt. When all I had to do was look at me from another point of view. I remember this night like it was yesteday. It was about 12 midnight. I was eating chocolate milk with cookies. (my favorite in the whole world) and I was watching the tube. An infomercial came on and it seemed interesting. It caught my attention because of the music. Sooooo I kept watching it. It was an infomercial about excercise and how all these people have been transformed by it. It was TURBO JAM by Chalene Johnson. I was hooked. Everything just seemed so real. The music and how she incorporated dance with the workout just seemed to easy and fun. So I wrote down the website and told myself I would look into it. The next day, I checked it out. Went to view all the success stories and I was sold. How could it hurt? I would be doing something that I loved to do. I love to dance and I also love music. Music is powerful! I stuck to the plan, I ate right. Not as strict as I am now, it takes time to know what is really healthy for you. I put the video below so you can see what made me look at things in a different light.

Ill be back tomorrow... If you have any questions... just let me know. :)


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